Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lots of birds and a fish!

Where is October disappearing to?
I've been stitching a little bird. After doing several feathers for Jude's project I decided I wanted to try a small bird. It's a strange mixture of hand stitching and machine applique.  I have used Bali batik fabrics for the bird and the background is onion skin dyed shirt fabric 'invisibly' basted. The piece is only 4" square and is not finished yet!

 There are a pair of blue wrens in the back yard. I'm sure they have a nest but I haven't worked out where yet. They take turns to look for food and have a quick little dip in the bird bath.

A pair of swans have nested on a swan-made island in the middle of the wetlands. There are three or four babies. The photos are a bit fuzzy as they are a long way off.

And this fearsome creature was on the beach this morning!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely cheeky fellow, deb, looks poised to take off. You are so lucky to live so close to a beach like that. I pine for my English beach walks. And BLACK swans too! SO exotic to northern hemispherical eyes! One of my favourite paintings (by Dora Carrington) shows black swans on the water in front of her home in Berkshire. Being Berkshire, though, I am quite convinced they are a couple of artistic licences.
