Monday, September 16, 2013

Self Portrait

The latest theme for our Stitching Across the Ditch challenge was 'Self Portrait'. I've always wanted to do a really colourful self portrait (as I've seen in Quilting Arts magazines) and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. I traced an outline of my face from a photo and then went crazy with fabric choices! It was a lot of fun!!
Spending a lot of time with my mother, who is now in residential care, and attending to all her financial affairs has really taken up a lot of my time lately. My blog has suffered accordingly but I have been following all my favourite blogs.
One day off we had recently was spent taking our 10 year old granddaughter to Monarto Zoo to 'meet' the giraffes. It was a great experience! I thought we would stand on a tall platform to feed them but instead we stood on the ground. Giraffes are very TALL!!!  I took heaps of photos. They truly are a magnificent animal.


  1. just love your self image piece. it reminds me so much of Pamela Allen's work. do you know of her work? great images of that giraffe.

  2. @deanna7trees

    I do know Pamela Allen's work and I love it! Thank you Deanna.

  3. That self-portrait is so colourful and joyous. It really made me smile!!
